Heritage monitoring sensor

Flexible, smart monitoring of cultural heritage and infrastructure 

Our new sensor “Attento” is  designed for monitoring of monuments, archaeological sytes, buildings, bridges, dams and other infrastructure. The imagery and data it captures can be used to detect early signs of structural failure and cracks, enabling timely intervention and optimised maintenance.

The sensor can be easily mounted on a drone to make aerial inspections, access difficult areas and do continuous monitoring, preserving heritage, improving people safety and saving time and costs.

Multiple measurements

Attento monitoring sensor acquires RGB-stereo and thermal images, various physical variables such as humidity, pressure, altitude and position and elaborates them using AI and digital image processing.

What does Attento can detect?

Advanced processing

By using artificial intelligence and data analysis, you can identify cracks and obtain a thickness measurements along their entire lenght.


Attento sensor is a useful tool for inspection and monitoring of:

Make sure your cultural goods stay healthy and safe